
Advance Care Planning is a process of thinking about and sharing your wishes for future medical care. It can help you tell others what would be important to you if you were too sick to communicate.

Start Here

Getting started with planning for future medical decisions can be the hardest step to overcome. The good news is that you don’t have to have all the answers to begin, nor do you have to plan for every possibility! Thinking through a few questions and scenarios will help you convey to your loved ones what they’ll need to know if they ever need to speak on your behalf. Thinking about the care or interventions you DON’T want can a simple place to begin.

  • Think about past experiences you or a loved one has had with medical care. What did you like? What did you not like?
  • What does a good day include?
  • Is it more important to you to have more days or more life in your days?
  • What is your current health status? Are there aspects of your health or prognosis that will influence what type of care you would or would not want?
Watch Video: Honoring Choices in RVA: Richmonders share why they had the conversation.

Connect With Us

Honoring Choices-trained facilitators are able to help you think through what’s important to you. Connect with us to set up a time to meet one-on-one with an advance care planning specialist, at no charge to you.

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